Statistics Tutorials

Moderated Mediation

How to Report a Moderated Mediation - Which information to include, and in which order

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS model 7 - How to run it, how to interpret it

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS model 8 - How to run it, how to interpret it

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS model 14 - How to run it, how to interpret it

Why Never to Use PROCESS Model 14 for Moderated Mediation Analysis (pdf) - Why you should not use this model template

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS model 15 - How to run it, how to interpret it

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS models 21, 22, 28, and 29 - How to run them, how to interpret them

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS models 58 and 59 - How to run them, how to interpret them

Moderated Mediation with PROCESS models 9, 10, 16, and 17 - How to run them, how to interpret them

Moderated Mediation or Mediated Moderation? - Similarities and differences between these two concepts

Testing Moderated Mediation with the PROCESS macro for R - How to use the R version of Hayes' PROCESS function

Testing Moderated Mediation with JASP - How to use the lavaan module in JASP to test models similiar to PROCESS models 7, 8, 14, 15


Power calculation for mediation analysis - How to calculate your sample size with G*Power and simulation results

Mediation with PROCESS (model 4) for R - Running Hayes' PROCESS-macro with R

Serial Mediation with PROCESS (model 6) for R - Running Hayes' PROCESS-macro with R for a serial mediation

Power calculation for parallel and serial mediation - How to calculate your sample size with a simulation tool


Power calculation for moderation analysis - How to calculate your sample size with G*Power

Moderation with PROCESS (model 1) for R - Running Hayes' PROCESS-macro with R

Double Moderation with PROCESS (model 2) for R - Running Hayes' PROCESS-macro with R

Power calculation for PROCESS model 2 - How to calculate your sample size with G*Power

Moderated Moderation with PROCESS (model 3) for R - Running Hayes' PROCESS-macro with R

General information about PROCESS (moderation, mediation, moderated mediation)

PROCESS Regression Assumptions - How to check them with PROCESS

PROCESS One-Tailed Test - How to test a directional hypothesis

PROCESS for SPSS Syntax - The most important syntax commands for PROCESS with SPSS

PROCESS for R Syntax - The most important syntax commands for PROCESS with R

PROCESS 3 & 4 Model Templates - The most important model templates for PROCESS Versions 3 & 4 (moderation, mediation, and the simpler types of moderated mediation)

PROCESS: User Defined Models - How to program your own models with PROCESS for SPSS or for R

Using Covariates with PROCESS for SPSS or for R - How to customize which covariates to use in which part of the model

PROCESS for R: Saving Results - How to save the results of your PROCESS analysis

SEM, CFA, Path Analysis

Problems with the RMSEA fit index - Why it can be misleading in models with few degrees of freedom

Bifactor CFA lavaan - How to model measurement models with a bifactor structure in R

Latent Interaction lavaan - How to run a moderation analysis with latent variables in R

SPSS Double Mean Centering - How to construct indicator variables for an SEM model with AMOS

Item Parceling for SEM - Different approaches to item parceling for SEM models

Random Item Parceling Lavaan - How to use random item parceling in the measurement model of an SEM with lavaan

Checking Linearity in SEM Models - How to check this crucial assumption

Robust Statistical Methods With R

Robust Regression with R - How to run a robust regression analysis using R

Robust Correlation with R - How to run a robust correlation analysis using R

Robust t test with R - How to run a robust independent samples t test in R

Robust Oneway ANOVA with R - How to run a robust oneway ANOVA in R

Robust Multilevel Model with R - How to run a robust linear mixed effects model in R

Mixture Models

Finite Mixture Regression (FMR) - How to run a moderation analysis without a moderator

Latent Profile Analysis - How to identify clusters of oberservations based on the response on continous variables

Multivariate Statistics

Regression with an ordinal predictor - How to run a multiple regression with an ordinal independent variable

Collinearity diagnostics table in SPSS - Understanding and using the table "Collinearity Diagnostics" in multiple regression with SPSS

Contrasts for MANOVA - Planned multivariate comparisons with SPSS

Equivalence testing - Running equivalence tests with SPSS, R and jamovi

Checking regressions assumptions with R - Annotated R code

Multiple Imputation for Missing Data With R - How to use multiple imputation (MICE) for missing data in regression analysis

Multiple Imputation for Missing Data: Checking regressions assumptions - Which data to use for checking the regression assumptions when you use multiple imputation (MICE) for missing data

SPSS: Getting Residuals for a Multilevel Model - How to get residuals on all levels in a linear mixed effects model to check modeling assumptions

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