Statistical Consulting for SEM, CFA and Path Analysis

Do you need help with statistics for your master's thesis or doctoral dissertation?

I have specialized in SEM, CFA and Path Analysis with lavaan (R) and AMOS. I extend my services globally with clients in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia.

Possible Topics for a Consultation (SEM, CFA, Path Analysis)

  • Model specification: Translating the theoretical model into lavaan code
  • Model identification: Making sure that it is possible to estimate your model
  • Model estimation: ML, robust estimation, bootstrap, missing values (FIML), checking assumptions
  • Model evaluation: Chi-square, fit indices, global fit, local fit
  • Troubleshooting 1: What to do if the model estimation does not converge
  • Model respecification: How to use modification indices
  • Troubleshooting 2: What to do if the model fit is not as expected
  • Model interpretation: What do the results tell us?
  • Mediation: Partial indirect effects, total indirect effects, total effects, contrasts
  • Moderation: Interactions in path analysis and in full SEM (with the double mean centering method)
  • Dealing with binary or ordinary scale variables (lavaan)
  • Multilevel CFA, SEM, path analysis (lavaan)
  • Multigroup CFA (measurement invariance)
  • Multigroup path analysis
  • Longitudinal measurement invariance
  • Cross-lagged panel models
  • Modeling with a covariance matrix only (e.g. from a journal article)
  • Item parceling (SEM, CFA)
  • Comparing nested models (LR-Test/Chi-square difference test)
  • Extracting factor values (SEM)

About me and my consultancy

I have a master's degree in psychology. Since 2018, I have been working as a statistics consultant helping graduate and postgraduate students around the globe, America, Europe, Australia, Asia, with their statistical problems. Thus, I am used to working with clients in very different time-zones.

Normally, I use Skype for a consultation. But if you would like to use, e.g., Zoom, that is possible as well, as long as you provide me with a meeting link in advance.

A consulting session with me lasts 60 minutes.

The price is 64 Euro*/60min.

I'd like you to pay in advance by paypal or, if you are in the SEPA area (most parts of Europe), by bank transfer with an IBAN, please. All consultations are subject to German law and my General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

* Due to the German small business regulation, no VAT is included or charged.

How to contact me

If you are interested in booking a consulting session, please send me a short email to the following address:

In order for me to process your request I would like you to include the following information in your email, please:

  • For what type of work (master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) do you need advice?
  • On which topics do you need help?
  • What statistical software do you use?
  • When (days of week, times of day) could we have our Skype conversation? For the times of day please state whether you are referring to CET/CEST or to your time zone.